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Scale and Clean

Feel healthy and refreshed!

What is scale and cleaning?

  • Scaling – Using a instrument called a scaler (automatic or manual) to vibrate or scrape off the calcified bacteria called calculus off.
  • Cleaning – Part of the treatment where we use our electric toothbrush to help you brush and polish your teeth.


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I clean my teeth quite well thank you! Why would I need another one by a dentist?

We build up plaque (aka bacteria) over time. But some of the bacteria that builds up are calcified by our saliva (these are called calculus) which sticks to the teeth, are very chalky and can contribute to bad breath and gum diseases – and that’s the problematic bacteria which you can’t clean by yourself properly!



What instruments do you use to clean my teeth?

We use a scaler similar to this picture. It shoots out water and vibrates as fast as an F1 engine:

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It’s a really nifty device as it cleans the calculus off your teeth WITHOUT damaging it.
Otherwise, if your teeth is very sensitive to the cold water (it happens) we can use these instruments called a hand-scalers.


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The scraping sound doesn’t sound nice and it feels weird, but it’s better than having sensitivity and pain associated with it.


How often do I need to have my teeth cleaned?

It depends – some people accumulate their plaque fast, some people less fast. The usual time for a good clean is around every 6 months in conjunction with your general check up.


Why does it hurt when I have my teeth cleaned?

This is because your gums are swollen due to the heavy accumulation of plaque and bacteria (we call this acute inflammation). This increases the sensitivity of your nerve cells surrounding your gums making it more sensitive to cold and vibrations . When your gums are not swollen you won’t feel your gums hurting when we scale and clean your teeth.


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What are some of the benefits of having my teeth cleaned?

  • Preventing gum disease (this is a big benefit) with regular cleans.
  • Can reduce or eliminate your bad breath (halitosis)
  • Reduce your bacteria load which can minimize the number of fillings needed!
  • Mandatory if you are having any sort of braces, Invisalign or having any dental treatment done!

I’m good to go! Where next?

Contact us and we will arrange a time for you to have your teeth checked and cleaned.