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Infection Control

To protect you and your family

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Background of infection control

The Dental Board of Australia has strict guidelines on infection control that outline how to prevent or minimize the risk of spreading infectious diseases in the dental practice. As a patient, you have the right to know whether your dentist is compliant with these guidelines or not, so that you can be confident that your health is not at risk

At Maroubra Dental Clinic, we take this very seriously and have strict protocols and policies in place to ensure that we practice safely to ensure your safety.

Here are some things that we do:

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Hand hygiene

Hands are the most common method of spreading bugs. Because of this it is important for our staff to keep our hands clean, by means of washing and/or the use of alcohol based hand rubs (alcohol gels).

All are staff are trained and adhere to the 5 moments of hand hygiene



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We ensure that all our instruments can be cleaned and sterilized effectively within our autoclave (or we call it "the pressure cooker oven" which can cook instruments 1.5x atmospheric pressure and above 145 degrees Celsius!). For this we follow the Australian and New Zealand Standards AS 5369:2023.

For any other instruments that cannot be cleaned or sterilized properly, we treat it as a one use item per patient.

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Environmental disinfection

We ensure that all surfaces of our surgery, which includes things that we touch and you touch, are wiped clean with special disinfectant or detergent wipes to ensure all the bugs are cleaned off.



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Personal protective equipment (PPE)

These are protective equipment which our staff wear, such as Joe in this example: gowns, mask, protective glasses and gloves. For patients you get a protective sunglasses and a bib.

This ensures that we don't spread the bugs through our skin and mucous membranes to each other.


We welcome you to have a look around our sterilization area

You’re welcome to have a tour of our sterilization area so you can feel comfortable in knowing that we do our best to minimize the risk of infection at our practice.  This is part of our core responsibility to the community of Maroubra and it is one of the ways that we look out for you.